Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Love Letter

Dear Boy,

I would like you to know a few things.

For starters, I like you, a lot. So don’t f*ck it up. I know I can be impulsive and fickle and, okay, yes, occasionally I spew molten crazy. But I’ll always be there for you no matter what and I just asking you please put down the xBox 360 controller and give me a freaking hug.

Now for the future, don’t freak out. It’s just a couple little points. I want a big fluffy dog. I don’t care if it chews up the table legs and scratches the door. You will back me up on it and we will cut back on an expensive date to send him or her to puppy obedience school.
Also, I will never ever consistently, maybe not even occasionally sleep in one of those slinky little silk and lacy nightgowns. I will however sleep in your old band shirts and flannel pants. I will droll on the pillow at my own leisure and you know what, if I accidentally droll on your shoulder when I wake up we will both laugh.
I know this isn’t really a request but, you gotta let me play with your hair. And don’t even try to lie, I know you love it.
When I get dolled up, I take my bloody time. Just remember no one asked Michelangelo what was taking so long on the ceiling.
And last but not least, I want you to kiss me everyday. Not just a peck, but a real kiss.

Hold me when I’m sad or angry or upset, let me rant about the bitchy women I have to be around and even my friends occasionally.  Let me rope you into watching those sappy chick flicks and you know I will always be down for the action adventure films.  Miss me when I gone and give me a hug when I come home.

Lots of love,

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