Saturday, September 10, 2011


My name is Leah Schneider, though, now that I think of it if this ever get published I suppose that will have to change eh? I hope they change it to something fun like Penny, or Sadie (Sexy Sadie, anyone?) In all honestly I don’t see this getting much of anywhere. It’s a project. A task. I find myself with loads of free time currently so I need to fill it with something. Why shouldn’t this something be starting, and actually finishing a book? Anyway, back to a little backstory of me, and my story. See what I did there? Word play, funny right? Okay, not so much laugh out loud (lawl, if you will) hahaha funny. But it made me at least consider the idea of letting out a small nearly inaudible giggle. That could have something to do with the fact that it is past three a.m. and I am running on, well, not much. I’m rambling. Forgive me. My story, it’s not insanely exciting. Average family, average childhood, just average. Don’t get me wrong, I love my family, I have fantastic friends (or did) and I perfectly pleased with my life…thus far. I don’t have any sob story I feel I need to pass on and spoon feed the masses so others don’t have to feel ‘alone’ in their ‘situation’, or to try to under mind anyone into thinking their life is really ‘not that bad’ and they should be ‘grateful’ for what they’ve got. That’s not my style. I’m not trying to preach or shove my beliefs down anyone’s throat. I’m doing this for me. Maybe, and this is one behemoth of a maybe, but maybe just perhaps this will get somewhere. Maybe you’re reading it right now. If not, peachy. I didn’t do it for you. I did it for me.
I’m writing this because I am 18 years old, and I have no idea what to do with my life, and I know there is absolutely no way I am the only one in this position! That and this is a great way to yank all those little voices and annoyances and witty remarks out of my brain and put them down on something solid. So here goes nothing, attack ‘til they crack, don’t give up, shoot for the moon and even if you miss you’ll land among the stars, I figure a pep talk was in order. Cheerio. Happy reading, and to myself: Happy Writing, don’t you dare delete this, finish it so you’ll have something to read to your 37 cats in 60 years.

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