Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Theory Two:

Age is earned.
One thing I just can't wrap my head around with today's society is the compulsive desire to look as young as possible. Turn on the television for more than fifteen minutes and you'll be accosted with ads for bo-tox and age defying cream that 'anyone who's anyone' is using for a more 'youthful' look. Hair dye ads to cover up all those 'unwanted' greys. But those grey hairs and those wrinkles are well earned. Grey hair from raising a family, having a successful career. Those wrinkles? From spending summers on gorgeous beaches in the sun and spending days making relationships with people you love. Aging is a reminder of a full life you have led. Why would you want to act like you haven't put all that work into building your life and your past by covering it up and stretching it out? Every woman that I look up to is proud of those crow's feet. They're secure in themselves and their age and they own it. I don't want to be 55 trying to look 35. I want to be 55 and proving that I still have the heart of a 35 year old through my actions.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Theory One:

Thank you for fear. Fear that someone will be the one who wants to leave. This is truly bitter-sweet. Obviously it is bitter because the thought of this person leaving makes you want to pull the covers over your head and read Jane Austen novels and never see daylight again. With others you know, deep down, if they leave you'll eventually get over it. But not this time. Now it's like they leave, and your shadow follows. You can't honestly see yourself getting over it if it were to happen.
BUT (and this is the but to end all buts) at the same time you know that it is fantastic that you have them. Even if for just a short while. The fact that you're so afraid of losing them make you realize how much they mean to you in the first place (in my head I am yelling and making drastic hand gestures at this point) and that makes you so bloody happy that you have a shot at that.
Fear is good. With out it, you can't have the good stuff. End of theory.

Friday, August 12, 2011


I have finally decided what to freaking write about!

Every day I have a million little thoughts that could be bumper stickers or buttons or short phrases you text to someone to make or break their day. I always have them pointed at someone, and typically the small thought or lyric turns into a major rant that I run through a million times in my head, over and over again.
That being said, I'm not sure I have ever actually written them you can see where this is going.
I've decided to BLOG them. Heck, I can even turn the rants into letters that are 100 percent vague, unless of course the person they are directed at happens to stumble upon my blog and read that one letter that (to my embarrassment) has been written at them, to them, or for them.
I think it's a completely brilliant plan.
So Cheers, let the mayhem............begin.