Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Come along Pond

I finally watched the new Doctor Who episode! Mind. Blown.
I can't lie, it was definitely intense. Annnd I just saw the new york peppermint patty ad. I know, I watch a lot of tv right? Well I can't walk to sue me. Anyway, I totally want a Subaru. Anyway back to DOCTOR WHO. Let me just say. AMY IS PREGNANT? What? I mean it was cute in "Amy's Choice" from last season, but that wasn't real. And I feel like last season was just more upbeat. A lot of sad stuff happened in this one, there's the legit scary aliens, River being all secretive and depressing about her and the Doctor. Amy and Rory being distant. It was in boring America, and the Doctor died in the first eight minutes.
Safe to say this entry is a clear rant.
On a completely random note, I want to know how people feel about illegal music downloading. Obviously it is a big trend. Its easy to see why people are against it, it is copyright theft. You're pretty much robbing the musiciansof their well earned money. Unless you're jacking something like 'Friday', which I don't know why you would. That song isn't worth the few seconds it would take to download. Though I have to admit, I sing it after class every friday because I am flat out giddy.
But then again, there is this scenario. Your mate gets this new album and you're like "Hey, that band sounds like a bit of alright, can you burn me a cd?" So they do, you listen to the songs and are totally like SWOON "I love this dudes voice" or "Wow that guitar is like crack!" or my favorite "Ahhhh face melting ukulele solo!" So what do you do? You go to walmart at 2am to go buy an itunes card so you can procure the entire discography of this new obsession. Right? Or is that just me....?
I wouldn't know about 2/3 of the music I love if not for my awesome friend Casey who just drills the tunes into my head like "You will love this, stop being a dumb ass, put the earphone in your head and listen to the magic." By the way Casey, if you're reading this which I doubt you are, THANK YOU. Nightmare of You changes my entire outlook on life. I am eternally grateful.
So what do you think, dear world wide web?

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