Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Earthworms, lizzards, and bears. OH MY!

Today was rather dull. I couldn't wait to get home and post on my blog. Now, as I sit at my desk, I realize I have no topic. But the show must go on! So today, I shall spew totally random, completely useless crap.
For starters today I read about Chernobyl and the massive nuclear reactor mishap that occured there killing 30 people from the radiation. Now previously I only knew about Chernobyl because in the 1998 Godzilla film where the main character is studying Chernobyl earth worms that had apparently grown 18 percent. But anyway, I'm rambling. I looked at a few photos of this place today, 25 years later, and it is staggering. Everything was left right where it had been a quarter of a century ago. They discribed this town as 'inhabitable by humans for centuries'. Anyway, I just thought it was interesting. I've posted a link below in the doobley do.


On a somewhat less depressing note, I am talking to myself..... Super.
I suppose it's typing to myself rather than talking.

I shall return presently. Hopefully I will no longer be thinking in the pretetious British accent with Jane Austen era lingo. It really is rather bothersome eh?
Ta ta for now.

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