Tuesday, April 26, 2011

A Peaceful Afternoon

So as the the day went on it got more and more interesting.
First I went to our horribly outdated municipal court office to pay for my speeding ticket. Eek. I used to say I'm a great driver apart from my lead foot. I guess that finally caught up to me with the 80 in a 35. But that's all cleared up. Rad.
Next it was to hospital for some xrays. I don't understand why they don't believe I'm a superhero and I can easily get my own xrays. The tech asked if there is any chance I could be pregnant. I wanted to make a pun but I felt it would be lost on her, and then terror would ensue. I got a new cast, sadly I could not get eye burning orange like I had wanted. I did however have a fun time trying to plaster a big bow to the side of it, that was a bust, so I tried for a racing stripe. I tore it off in the car. After leaving the doc's my mum (yes, I am 18 years old, and my mum has to drive me around for a month) and I headed to the Bureau of Motor Vehicles. As oppose to the Bureau of Stagnant Vehicles. There I procured something so coveted, so fantastic, so rare. I got a handicap parking pass! I've decided I can easily bribe people to drive me around by flashing that bright red pass.
Lastly on my afternoon adventure we went to the local jewelry store. Recently I gave them a family heirloom ring to re size and those loafers lost it. Got a nice call apologizing and saying they could recreate the ring, or I could find something else of equal or lesser value. I assumed a couple hundred dollars. No. I get there and the insurance price that was given to me....drum roll.....2,400 American dollars. I nearly tipped over in my crutches. I am now the owner of a nice diamond ring set and some lovely matching earrings.
So I suppose that is not my standard afternoon. I did go home and catch some z's.
I really wish I had something more comical to write about. Well, as of right now I am only talking to myself.
No worries. Hunky Dory.

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